Support Us

(Above) Head of Events, Nicola Gude with Max Campos from Air Europa at the LATA Foundation quiz

How can you Love Latin America?


Your donations matter. None of our work would be possible without the support of individuals and organisations. The more you give, the more we raise, the more we can do to make a difference throughout Latin America. You can donate:

• Through our online justgiving page: or BT Donate:
• By cheque payable to ‘The LATA Foundation’ and posted to us at: The LATA Foundation, 20 Upper Tachbrook Street, London, SW1V 1SH
• Contact us at to set up a standing order


Join Journey Latin America, Las Iguanas, Air Europa and others and become one of the LATA Foundation’s corporate partners. You can also add an optional LATA Foundation contribution to each of your trips to Latin America and encourage your clients to donate. Every little helps. Please click here for a list of our current partners and information on the benefit to you of supporting the LATA Foundation.

We hold fundraising events throughout the year. Look out for news on our website and social media channels.

Looking for a new way to engage with your clients? Sponsor a fundraising event with a distinctly Latin flavour and support the LATA Foundation. We bring together Latin American businesses from the travel industry, catering, fashion and banking to create diverse and successful events.

How can you do your bit to help love latin america? From fun runs and bake offs to sponsored Zumbathons, Tough Mudder events and the Three Peaks Challenge, raise money for the LATA Foundation and have some fun along the way.

Numerous companies have provided us with raffle prizes, event venues and support, which has helped us raise thousands of pounds over the years. If you can help with a raffle or auction prize for the LATA Foundation fundraising events, please get in touch.

The LATA Foundation is staffed entirely by volunteers. Get involved to learn new skills, make friends, and support fascinating, rewarding projects across the region.